1.Fire can burn a lot of thi-
2.They think that lightning
started fires in the old d-
3.An early women and man
finally made a fire and c-
ooked over it.
4.They learned to stay
warm by the fire in
the winter days.
5.Fire kept wild animals
away from the camp.
6.Fires were reused by the
native americans to
smoke signals.
7.Some firetrucks don't
come when a fire.
8.Fires are good for
roasting weenies
and marshmellows.
9.Fires can burn and tare
up a rag on a stove.
10.Cave men were th first
to discover fire.
11.Native Americans
ate some rabbits with
a fire.
12.The first steam engine
had a fire in the boiler.
13.They used to use a Black
Pot to cook with lessly.
14.If there's fire on you
stop drop and roll.