These are some facts about
cheese write in this index.
1.Cheese is not the healthiest
snack u can eat with a cra-
2. Lemburger cheese stinks
real bad and some old peo-
ple like it.
3. Some people are'nt aloud
to eat dairy, such as chees-
4.People may not like cheese
straight but they love it in
some food.
5.Zoe hates almost all cheese
6. Cheese is not very good
when it's straight unless if
u cut it.
7. Cheese sometimes goes
in the meat section in
8. There's a book called
the mighty cheese.
9.Not very many cheese
have holes in them.
10. Mice not endangered
so they get more cheese
than u.
11.Cheese is from milk that's
from a cow.
12.Cheese is from milk.
13.Cheese is from a farm.
14.Other kinds of cheese
r very bad for u.
15.Some cheese is very good.
16.Some cheese is made from
goat milk.
17.Cows and goats eat the
grass to make milk and t-
hen make some cheese.
18.Cheese comes from many
different sizes,shapes,and
20.There are some sliced A-
merican cheese.
21.There r some cheese spre-
ad in jars.
22.There r tubes of cheese
u spread on crackers.
23.Every body likes some
kind of cheese.
24.Many people love cheese
so they tell legends and st-
ories and tales about
25.Everybody loves cheese.