These are some facts about
  cheese write in this index.
1.Cheese is not the healthiest
   snack u can eat with a cra-
2. Lemburger cheese stinks
    real bad and some old peo-
    ple like it.
3. Some people are'nt aloud
    to eat dairy, such as chees-
4.People may not like cheese
   straight but they love it in
   some food.
5.Zoe hates almost all cheese
6. Cheese is not very good
   when it's straight unless if
    u cut it.
7. Cheese sometimes goes
     in the meat section in
8. There's a book called
     the mighty cheese.
9.Not very many cheese
   have holes in them.
10. Mice not endangered
      so they get more cheese
      than u.
11.Cheese is from milk that's
      from a cow.
12.Cheese is from milk.
13.Cheese is from a farm.
14.Other kinds of cheese
     r very bad for u.
15.Some cheese is very good.
16.Some cheese is made from
     goat milk.
17.Cows and goats eat the
     grass to make milk and t-
     hen make some cheese.
18.Cheese comes from many
     different sizes,shapes,and
20.There are some sliced A-
      merican cheese.
21.There r some cheese spre-
      ad in jars.
22.There r tubes of cheese
      u spread on crackers.
23.Every body likes some
     kind of cheese.
24.Many people love cheese
     so they tell legends and st-
      ories and tales about
25.Everybody loves cheese.
P.S some people get the cheese from
the milk and put them in barrels to
put the barrels of cheese in caves to
live for ages or else it won't taste so
good and will turn out to be bad.